We decided to change the face of school photography

Over the past 20 years, I’ve been taking pictures of kids all over. Each year, new opportunities open up for each special kid growing up and having their first day of school. This made me discover over the years the spontaneity and innocence of a child, full of dreams, and curiosity and who sees life with fascination. I realized that taking school portraits of those kids was much more than just a frame immortalized in time. During a photoshoot, so many things happen in a matter of seconds and each of these little humans has its own character, personality, and charisma. This is why I decided to take a step up and improve what we all know about School Portraits.


We are introducing "My Kid’s Little Movie" New School Portrait


My team and I decided to change the face of school photography!

We realized parents were missing such a big part of this important moment of their kids getting ready for their picture.

“My Kid’s Little Movie” is a 10-20-second video taken by our professional videographer to take a glimpse of your kid, a “behind the scenes” of the photo shoot and scenario where your kid is having his picture taken: jokes, laughs, smiles, tears, grumpy faces, filming your kid in his journey and experience throughout the photoshoot and capturing his amazement while being photographed.

Imagine having a short—behind the scenes—professional—cinematographic video of your kid which you will be able to show to your family on social media, email, and more to memorize this moment.

Imagine keeping this memory until he/she grows up to be an adult, remembering their first years of school. Imagine having quality videos of your little one instead of regular daily telephone-made videos.

Imagine seeing their smile and sparkly eyes having fun and enjoying celebrating each new stage of their lives!

This year, we invite you to benefit from this new opportunity to share a LIVE memory of your kid with all your family in friends!

*Traditional school photos are available.


no more boring pictures.. now school photos can be fun!