We offer minimal administration required from your staff and excellent commission rates, we offer greater value, excellent quality, and exceptional service.

now offering 25% of our sales, additionally, we also provide a free i.d card to each school staff, *free years book (only teachers), and also a photographer service to cover any special event.

*Students will purchase the yearbook

  •  Book your picture day or reserve a date(s) in advance. A calendar with available dates will be sent in a separate email.

  •  2 weeks prior to the portrait date, the school will receive marketing materials (posters/pre-paid flyers).

  •  1 week prior to the portrait date, the school must send school data information to the new school portrait to hi@newschoolportrait.com

  •  On picture day students must bring the completed pre-paid form envelope back to school. (No checks accepted)

  •  Please allow a week to receive via email the portrait proof from your school with the passcode for your school data

  •  Please allow an additional 10 business days to receive the complete portrait order.

  •  will receive the fundraising benefit within 30 days of the portrait date.

  •  Please contact us to schedule a special event.

  •  Yearbook information must be submitted by March 01, 2025. The yearbook will be delivered by June 2025.

  • Portrait retakes are scheduled in spring. Reserve a date(s) in advance.


“jokes, laughs, smiles, tears, grumpy faces, filming your kid’s in his journey and experience throughout the photoshoot”